STYLE S.O.S. By Tingting Cojuangco, Lucy Torres-Gomez and Rissa Mananquil

STYLE S.O.S. By Tingting Cojuangco, Lucy Torres-Gomez and Rissa Mananquil

Philippine Star

Spotting A Cure For Freckles

Dear Ms. Tingting,
I’m seeing liver spots beginning on my skin. What can I apply to stop its spread and make them disappear? – Jing Maceda

One of the classic signs of old age is the appearance of brown, freckle-like spots on the skin. This pigment is called lipofuscin. It is also known as aging spots or liver spots. It is a sign of free-radical deterioration of the lipids in our skin, thus the name lipofuscin.

Let me quote author Dr. Bruce Fife, an advocate of coconut oil: “Because cells cannot dispose of the lipofuscin pigment, it gradually accumulates within many cells of the body as we age. Once lipofuscin pigment develops, it tends to stick around for life, but you can prevent further oxidation and perhaps even reduce the spots you already have by using the right kind of oils in your diet and on your skin.”

The ideal lotion is one that not only softens the skin, but also protects it against damage, promotes healing, and gives it a more youthful, healthy appearance. Coconut oil fits that description. Pure coconut oil is the best natural skin lotion available. It prevents and protects against destructive free-radical formation. It can help prevent the skin from developing liver spots and other blemishes caused by aging and overexposure to sunlight. It helps to keep connective tissues strong and supple so that the skin doesn’t sag and wrinkle. – Tingting

The Skinny On Coconut Oil

Dear Tingting,
Would you recommend using coconut oil to moisturize hair? – Myles

It’s not surprising that many of the plants that provide medicinal remedies can cure. How else could indigenous people live longer?

Remember this: Coconut oil is a moisturizing remedy for the skin and hair. It penetrates the skin. Its triglycerides serves as a replacement for lipids lost to aging and dehydration in the skin’s barrier, according to Dr. Vermen M. Verallo-Rowell, author of Rx: Coconuts! (The Perfect Health Nut). Coconuts are rich in growth factors, including kinetin. It’s a plant hormone that promotes cell division to slow age-related changes in human skin cells. Additionally, the antibacterial monolaurins in coconut oil outperform isopropyl alcohol as an antiseptic, making it a soothing acne-fighter and non-drying natural alternative to Purell.

Coconut oil moisturizes and strengthens hair to stop breakage. Oily as it is, it prevents water and protein loss in the hair shaft. – Tingting